Abstract completed the new North Leeds Medical Practice in March 2016.  The practice operated from a converted house, the former home of the original GP, which had been altered and extended many times.

The practice had previously acquired the adjoining bungalow site, but couldn’t obtain approval for a new building. Abstract worked closely with the NHS to secure increased rent reimbursement to support the new building, which began on site in July 2015.  For such a small project, the stages were complex.  The existing bungalow was demolished and the practice rehoused in temporary accommodation in its place.  The existing surgery was then demolished and the new premises built on a very constricted site.  Not only does the building house the increased practice but also provides space for a pharmacy and expansion space.

The GP practice worked very closely with Abstract, and were passionate about their new building, equipping and furnishing it to match the quality of the building’s design.  Abstract acted as Development Managers for North Leeds Medical Practice, who own the building.